How To Tell If Your Chimney Could Do With Minor Repairs

Business Blog

Chimneys not only look quaint but also provide a valuable service in providing a path for smoke that can come from woodfires. However, even though they look relatively simple, chimneys are an interesting design and require maintenance every few years. Even with regular maintenance, issues can still pop up in the meantime, especially if you use your chimney a lot or if it is very old. Here are a few ways to spot minor chimney damage that can be fixed by a specialist in a few hours, if not even less.

Mortar Falling Out

Many chimneys are made out of brick both for its visual appeal and for its ability to last so well in this design. There are few other materials that are as easy to shape into these tower-like structures without the risk of catching fire or falling over. However, bricks are held together with mortar, and this is decidedly less robust than the brick itself, which is where you can run into issues. If you spot any mortar falling apart or any gaps in your mortar when you look up at your chimney, then you should call for repairs to get it filled in before those bricks loosen. 

Smoke Pooling In The Fireplace

If you notice any amount of smoke pooling around your fire while you are using it then, first of all, you need to immediately put out said fire before this becomes a health hazard. Most of the time, this happens due to one blockage or another. Perhaps something got stuck up in your chimney or even on top of it. Most of the time it is nothing more than a simple blockage that can be easily removed, but this should still be done by a chimney repair contractor so they can check if there is any residual damage.

Moisture Appearing In Your Fireplace

It is not unusual for a few drops here and there to appear in your fireplace, but if you see enough that there is a visible streak of water or even a puddle or two, then you should consider calling for repairs. This often has to do with the cap itself, and if it is cracked due to old age or something hitting it, then this issue will only get worse. If it is something more serious, such as the interior lining coming loose or tearing in sections, then a chimney repair contractor will be able to determine that as well. Moisture is not something to be dealt with lightly, as it can cause damp in your home and create mold or mildew quite quickly.  

For more information about chimney repair, contact a local company. 


8 November 2022

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